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VirtuoSaph® Plus

Endoscopic Vessel Harvesting


Easier minimally invasive technology to deliver the optimal vessel for CABG

Endoscopic products allow clinicians to perform minimally invasive procedures through very small incisions by using an endoscope to see inside the patient's body. Terumo manufactures the VirtuoSaph® Plus Endoscopic Vessel Harvesting System, used to remove the saphenous vein or radial artery from the patient for use as a bypass graft during coronary surgery.

The VirtuoSaph® Plus System is designed to evaluate standards for patient safety, conduit quality and ergonimics.1 The device uses an endoscopic approach to vessel harvesting with one small incision in either the leg or arm which minimizes scarring, morbidity and infection associated with traditional longitudinal incisions.  


"Open" system distal insufflation with no-occlusive trocar

  • May lower the risk of CO2 embolism2
  • May lower risk of intraluminal clot3

A dissector rod with an atraumatic conical tip, centering rings, and CO2 delivered at the tip

  • Centering rings allow the clinician to monitor the location of the dissection cone tip relative to the vessel during dissection

Unique wiper to clean the endoscope lens

  • One wiper activation immediately improves visibility
  • Allows cleaning in the tunnel without the need for additional fluid

A harvester rod with V-keeper, V-lock and V-cutter


  • Targeted, low energy during cauterizing and cutting of branches.
  • Quick ease and control of branch tautness.
  • The V-keeper holds down the vessel to protect it and minimize potential damage during cauterization.
  • The V-lock mechanism secures the vessel in place during the harvesting and transsection of the branches. It ensures that all the branches are cauterized and cut prior to removing the harvester rod from the leg or arm.
  • The V-cutter is a simple cut-and-coagulate mechanism employing targeted low energy. It provides both functions in one easy step.

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Join us monthly for 10-minute episodes as 14 experts from around the globe speak on various Endoscopic Vessel Harvesting (EVH) topics, including…

  • Adopting EVH as a Routine Procedure

  • EVH: From the Trainee Perspective

  • Dissection with the VirtuoSaph Plus EVH System

    …and many more


Video instructions

The videos are exclusively intended for healthcare professionals. 

VirtuopSaph® Plus - Product video


Two-handed Positioning of the Dissector


Branch Cutting


Item specifications

Description ​
​Catalog #Units/Case
​Disposable Products ​​VirtuoSaph Plus, sterile (includes dissector, harvester, and trocar) Indicated for Vein + Radial Harvesting Endoscopic Vessel Harvesting System
​Endoscope Product
Terumo Endoscope2 (​5.5 mm Endoscope)
Endoscope Product
​Endodoctor Endoscope (5.5 mm Endoscope)
​Sterilization Trays
​Endoscope Only Type​811497​1

1The VSP550EX has CE (notified body number 2797) and FDA approval for the indicators of both endoscopic vein and radial artery harvesting.

2Not available for sale in CE mark countries. 


1. Meyer DM, et al. Histologic evidence of the safety of endoscopic saphenous vein graft preparation. Annals of Thoracic Surgery: 2000 Aug, 70(2):487-91.

2. Lin et al. Carbon dioxide embolism during endoscopic saphenous vein harvesting in coronary artery bypass surgery. J Thorac Cardiovascular Surg 2003;126:2011-2015.

3. Burris et al. Incidence of residual clot strands in saphenous vein grafts after endoscopic harvest. Innovations: Technology & Techniques in Cardiothorac & Vasc Surg. 2006; 1 (6): 323-327.

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